If you have a business, you know the importance of data. More importantly, you know the importance of data analysis for understanding your present performance and draft future projections. Therefore, Power BI has emerged as one of the trusted data analysis and visualization tools in the market. A Power BI service providers help you understand what is Power BI service used for and also how to use it. But should you hire an in-house Power BI consultant or outsource them? Which one is more beneficial to you and your profits? We will discuss the same in this blog. 

Mostly, we have seen that small businesses and even medium-sized enterprises think that they don’t need data analysis. But it’s the farthest from the truth. Let’s know how. 

When should you use Power BI services?

When should you use Power BI services

The basic business is mostly about a transaction for profit. However, to understand which transactions are benefiting, you need to analyze them first. Additionally, understanding the trends of your business and the market can help you make the best of the opportunity; making profits! 

Traditionally, we used to track things on a physical ledger and manually measure the performance and predict trends. However, with time we shifted from a physical ledger to a software ledger (our trusty Excel for the win!). With the wave of computerization followed by digitization managing all the data can be hectic, and drawing insights from those data can be a nightmare. It is where Power BI is used to help you combine your data and analyze it easily. Read what  Power BI professional service can do for you to boost your business. 

Whether you own a small business or a MNC, data is our power. With business intelligence tools like Power BI, you can understand your performance, and your market trends, and make better business decisions. But, how to decide whether you want to invest in Power BI consulting services or not? Well, you can decide whether you want a flexible service by outsourcing a Power BI consultant or permanent support by hiring an in-house Power BI consultant. 

How to choose between hiring and outsourcing Power BI service providers? 

How to choose between hiring and outsourcing Power BI service providers

The Power BI consultant, in-house or outsourced, helps you manage your data, analyze them, create dashboards, and draw insights for reports. These are the basic services  Power BI Service Providers provide.

So, the following are the pros and cons of both outsourced and in-house Power BI consultants to help you make more informed decisions. 

Pros of outsourcing Power BI service providers

Cost-effective Power BI consulting service 

The first benefit of outsourcing Power BI service providers is the cost. When you collaborate with a Power BI consultant, you both work on the project alone and have no other obligation. Thus, you can save many hundreds of dollars by outsourcing a consultant. Therefore, you can use the saved capital in other business operations. Additionally, they are more accountable and offer competitive prices for industry-standard service. You can evaluate various service providers to decide on the one that provides you the best value. It is perfect for small or medium-sized enterprises. 

Consultancy from an experienced consultant 

Employees need a growth opportunity. However, when you are outsourcing a Power BI consultant, you will be dealing with experts only. Therefore, you get the insights and services from a seasoned expert to get better results in relatively less effort. You can expect them to have advanced knowledge to get the best ROI of your Power BI plan at a relatively low cost. 

Manage when you need their service 

Power BI allows you to generate reports and dashboards easily once the dataset is ready. Therefore, you need expert Power BI service providers to create datasets with advanced data modeling techniques and set up the Power BI service status for updated data all the time. After that, they can team the team to access the data and generate reports and dashboards. By outsourcing services, you can get all this work done and call it a day without worrying about any further tasks to utilize your investment in hiring a permanent Power BI consultant. 

Helps you prioritize other operations 

When you outsource a Power BI consultant you entrust them with the duty to finish the project. Therefore, you can focus on other operations to keep things on track! 

Cons of outsourcing Power BI service providers

Dependency on the Power BI consultant 

By outsourcing a Power BI consultant you rely on them for your business analysis. It can be a critical decision as any problem on their side can cause many problems on your side. If, for some reason, they fail to develop the desired Power BI system you can be in trouble. 

Communication takes more effort 

When you both work in different environments, probably in different time zones, communication can become a time-consuming task. You and the Power BI service providers need to take extra measures for better communication. 

Data security with the Power BI service provider

Power BI deals with many sensitive data. Therefore, you must make great efforts to ensure you are choosing the right Power BI service provider to entrust your data. 

Now, let’s understand the pros and cons of hiring an in-house Power BI consultant. Comparing the two and understanding what you need from the Power BI service provider can help you make the final decision. 

Pros of hiring Power BI service providers

More control over the work process 

When you hire an in-house Power BI service provider, you can control what they access and evaluate their performance better. You can have control over what data is being accessed and how things will be working during the project. Therefore, you can save time and effort when setting up a Power BI system and integrating it into your system. 

Direct communication to understand your needs 

If there is a problem, you can send them a quick message or just call their name in the office to talk to them. Therefore, communication becomes much easier and quicker. You can communicate better with your Power BI consultant and resolve any queries you both might have. When you have specific needs you can communicate with them whenever you want and in person. Thus, it reduces the chance of miscommunication and errors. 

Quick turnaround time 

The in-house Power BI service provider is only working for you. Meaning, they are focusing on your project alone. Therefore, the turnaround time to create the project, add a dashboard, or create a new dataset is relatively less time. It helps you save time and helps you set a smooth flow of operations. 

Easy collaboration with the team 

The in-house Power BI service provider can tune better with your team. Therefore, they can work together easily without any hassle. Additionally, you can monitor the performance of their work and ensure your team gets the necessary support needed to operate Power BI when needed. 

Cons of hiring Power BI service providers

High cost of hiring an in-house employee 

When you hire an in-house Power BI service provider you incur a cost. A cost of hiring, training, employee benefits, providing necessary tools, and more. Therefore, you will have to spend more on hiring and retaining the employee. It can be a concern for small or medium-sized enterprises. 

Underutilization of human resource

Once the Power BI system is set and data modeling is done, your Power BI consultant will have relatively less work. You might be underutilizing them and spending more than necessary on the post, especially in small or medium organizations. 

Limited expertise of the Power BI service provider

When you hire an employee, you need to give them a learning incentive. You need to help the Power BI service provider learn new skills as the industry changes or grows. Therefore, you might be losing in using Power BI to its full potential. 

Recruiting the right Power BI consultant 

Recruiting can be a tedious job, especially for such a technical role. You need to evaluate them on their ability to use Power BI and their qualification. If you do not have the necessary knowledge about the role, recruiting the right Power BI service provider can be tricky. 

Squillion Tech is one of the best  Power BI Consulting Service providers. We are certified partners of Microsoft Power BI to offer Power BI consulting services like data modeling, dashboard creation, live site maps, and many more advanced services. Our team of Microsoft Power BI-certified developers helps you set up your data analysis and visualization system easily. Furthermore, we have been trusted by our clients for our consistent performance and transparent communication. We pride ourselves on being dedicated to providing you with industry-level services at the most reasonable prices.  Book your free consultation so we can empower you with data insights! 


Data is an important part of your business. Power BI helps you understand what your data has to say. Whether it’s visualizing your current business performance or drawing data insights for future trends, Power BI is the best tool for that. You need power BI service providers to get the best results from the platform. You can either hire them in an in-house position or outsource Power BI consulting services. We talked about the pros and cons of both to help you decide what works best for you. The choice will change based on the size of your organization and your goals. A few affecting factors can be the cost associated with a Power BI consultant, the trust for data management, the consistency in communication you need, the expertise your project needs, and the commitment you want to make or not. If you are unsure of whether your business needs Power BI services or not, start by outsourcing to be sure,