Riding an e-scooter is now more than just a Gen-Z thing; it has become the new way of travelling. It is the new normal of micro-mobility. As per a study, 72% of users prefer electric scooter sharing to ride to their jobs or schools. It says a lot about the growth of the market. But how do electric scooters work for the users? Through a scooter-sharing app, the user can access many electric scooter benefits! 

The app allows users to find and book a ride and later unlock the e-scooter to go their merry way and pay when the ride ends. So simple, Right? It will be if you have a robust app that offers electric scooter-sharing service with a smooth user experience. A scooter-sharing software with a white-label app is necessary to start an electric scooter-sharing business. So, what should the scooter-sharing app include? That’s what we will discuss in this blog. Read till the end to know how you can easily access the scooter-sharing software and app without banging your head to manage the app and software. Let’s get started!

Ten must-have electric scooter-sharing app features!

Ten must-have electric scooter-sharing app features!

Squillion Tech has been involved in micro-mobility transportation software and app development. Therefore, our excellent services from the team of experts and customer reviews have narrowed the list of essential features to include in your electric scooter-sharing app for engaging and retaining users for loyalty and high ROI. 

So, the following are the 10 must-have features of an electric scooter-sharing app: 

Engaging interface for the user 

We all know the old (but gold) saying: the first impression is the last. It’s the same with apps. It was found that users have an 8-second attention span; with the fact that 94% of users form their first impression based on design, the user interface becomes the most critical part of the app. Therefore, visual appeal and user navigation should be considered when building an electric scooter-sharing app. The user should be able to navigate the app quickly. Thus saving them time when finding and booking the ride. With less hustle and more speed, you can ensure that users rapidly complete their rides and come back to you. 

Real-time fleet tracking

Scooters are the most essential part of electric scooter share companies. It is the vast yet vulnerable part of the business. The scooters are easily lost, vandalized, and, worst, stolen. Therefore, with real-time tracking using your electric scooter software. The IoT integration of the scooter into your system can help you easily track where your e-scooter is. Therefore, you can also let the user track where they are heading or where the scooter is located so they can unlock it after booking. So, IoT integration is an essential part of E-Scooter app development that allows you to track your scooter and users in case they need on-site support or the vehicle seems to be on a suspicious move. 

Third-party social media account integration 

We are often asked to create an account when we open a new mobile application. So, we are provided many options, like manually creating an account by adding an email or phone number and creating a separate password. However, often, the process stretches on to add your full name and other demographic details. Sometimes, especially in a hurry, this process can be tedious. We will ignore the fact that it adds one more password for us to remember. 

So, we all mostly opt for the ‘open account using’ a third-party app. It could be any social media, another app, or a Gmail account. It makes the process of opening an account swift and more likely. Users can save time and energy by clicking a few buttons. Wolla! The account is ready to take the next ride. During the development, you can integrate APIs from popular apps like Gmail, FB, and Twitter to let the users link accounts. 

By integrating third-party apps, you can let your users share their ride experience and stats, indirectly promoting your scooter-sharing business. 

Easy booking process 

We can collectively agree that none of us is fond of queues, especially when you are already running late. So, to ensure that your customers can easily book a ride near them, you must make the process simple and fast. You need to track your fleet using IoT integration and telematic tracking. Therefore, when users look for an e-scooter near them, they can easily find all the available e-scooters nearby. 

Using the app, they can book the e-scooter of their choice and unlock it using the same app. Thus, it saves the time and energy of the customer and makes your task of managing rides easy. Additionally, you can use the live fleet tracking on your electric scooter software to rebalance the scooter in varying areas based on the demand. 

Live status for scooters 

E-scooters run on electricity that can be tracked using the battery percentage. So, using the battery percentage, the user can determine if the e-scooter will be enough for them to travel the desired distance. Furthermore, the status of the scooter includes the distance one has covered during the transport to track their usage. The live status can be related to the availability of the device in the area, so you can book it and unlock it with your app. 

Being an electric scooter-sharing service company, you must maintain the scooters well. However, when you have hundreds of scooters roaming around in the city, this task can be a handful, borderline impossible. So, the electric scooter software allows you to track the scooter’s features to determine the maintenance schedule. 

Did you know that 29.3% of tourists prefer to use e-scooters to travel to new cities? So, imagine the struggle of finding a location while riding the scooter. Therefore, a live map can be super helpful in the app, especially for tourists. Integrate the IoT to track the vehicle and Maps to help users navigate the city. Any E-Scooter Sharing app development company can help you integrate maps into your electric scooter-sharing app. 

The feature allows users to determine when to travel to reach their location. They can map a route to run some errands and easily move towards their location. Additionally, if you have fixed pricing, they can determine the cost based on the distance they have travelled. 

Ride tracking and history 

Often, we like to track our usage. The same is the case with e-scooter sharing. The users might like to know how they have been using it and what places they have been travelling. Additionally, they should track their travelling expenses, hours, and the places they visit the most. Therefore, you must offer them a section to track their rides, scooters, and usage history. It allows them to track their behaviour for anything they might find fit. 

Secure payment options 

The fintech industry is growing every day! So, as an electric shooter-sharing company, you must take note of any payment app growing in popularity. But why would you do so? This ensures that your users get the best options available in the market. Looking back only a few years back, there were limited payment options. However, with the internet and digitization, the modes of payment have diversified. 

Many payment apps are popular among different generations. So, to adapt to your customers’ needs and provide them with options, you must integrate popular and secure payment gateways. It helps the user feel safe about using your e-scooter sharing service and covers an extensive range of your target audience. By offering diverse payment options, you reduce the hassle of making payments. So, less hassle for customers, more business for you! 

Reliable customer support 

No one likes to be left alone to deal with a problem, especially if it’s not their fault. So, when offering electric scooter-sharing service, you must listen to your customer and provide the necessary support. Whether it is related to booking the e-scooter or the said e-scooter breaking down in the middle of the road, the customer must be able to reach you. You can add a live chatbot or a ticket window to make the conversation easier. The ticket window lets you pay attention to the customer’s complaint with less expense and clear intention. 

You can provide a list of the most asked queries to save both of your time. Additionally, you can guide the user in raising a proper query for a quick and precise response from your side. You must offer on-site support if the need arises. 

Live notifications and alerts 

Getting a personalized notification or an alert of a sale feels nice. So, leverage the live notification for your marketing plan and retain the users. You can push up reminder notifications on any roadblock ahead in the journey or a coupon offer. You can notify them of exciting things they can do using your e-scooter-sharing services. 

Easy Ride: Squillion Tech’s electric scooter software! 

Squillion Tech’s electric scooter software!

Squillion Tech is a well-versed organization in micro-mobility and logistics software development. Easy Ride is our star scooter sharing software catering to micro-mobility transportation services. Our electric scooter-sharing software comes with a white-label user app as a complete solution with all the above-mentioned must-have features. It is a subscription-based software that helps you access advanced software and applications without worrying about maintaining the back end. 

Our experts have created our complete electric scooter-sharing service software with rigorous testing. Therefore, it is a reliable software that offers basic and advanced features like: 

  • Customizable mobile application for users 
  • Profile management feature
  • Real-time dispute management ticket system 
  • Group ride booking feature 
  • Diverse IoT and third-party integration 
  • Advanced analytics and reporting system
  • Telematic tracking of scooter 
  • Revenue management system 
  • Role-based access for data security 
  • Dynamic pricing configuration for profitability 
  • Secured system for online ID verification 

We understand the volatile nature of the market and trends. Therefore, our team pays attention to changing trends and develops our scooter-sharing software to fit the market trends and industry-standard service. Thus, you can stay ahead of your competitors and cater to your customer’s needs smartly. We develop the design while you can focus on making your business grow! 

So, are you ready to start your electric scooter-sharing business? Let’s talk more about it on a free demo call! 


If you plan on starting your eclectic scooter-sharing business, you need an application to reach your audience. It helps create a brand image and quickly offers your electric scooter-sharing service. However, creating an app is easier said than done. An app is your only direct connection with your target audience, so ensure that your app functions smoothly and has the necessary features. 

But what are the essential features? That’s what we talked about in this blog. You will know why you need specific features and how a few can elevate your services. A few basic ones are a user-friendly interface to book a ride, raise complaints, create and manage profiles, track usage, make payments, and more. Advanced features like maps and live scooter insights can help the user on the journey to their job or touring around the area. Easy Ride is a scooter-sharing software by Squillion Tech that caters to micro-mobility businesses. It is a complete solution with admin software and a user app with advanced features. Check our website for more!