Imagine running a business whose demand never seizes, and has a growing demand curve; a perfect business opportunity. Yes, we are talking about the evergrowing and eco-friendly escooter sharing business. The scooter-sharing companies are offering sustainable travel alternatives to passengers for a comfy, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly solo ride across the city. However, to offer rides like a smooth operator, you’ll need a scooter-sharing system. 

We know setting up a ‘scooter sharing system’ might seem like a tedious job, but trust us, it is simple. With our guide on how to set up a scooter-sharing system, you’ll be able to draft a plan and implement it easily. So, let’s get started! 

What is a scooter-sharing system? 

What is a scooter-sharing company

Before we jump right into the technical aspects of scooter sharing system, let’s understand how the electric scooters work in the rental business. 

If we were to talk about the three pillars of the scooter share business, it would be scooters (must have: no scooter, no business!), scooter sharing software, and a user app for escooter sharing services. 

For users, escooter sharing is simple. All you need to do is 

  • open the app
  • Find a scooter 
  • Book the scooter 
  • Locate it through a live map 
  • Unlock and ride it to your destination 
  • End the ride through the app 
  • Make the payment 

Therefore, you need an e-scooter-sharing app that offers all your services to the users and helps you connect with the users efficiently. 

However, when you come to the operations management side of scooter share, there are a lot more things to be worried about. You’ll need to track your fleet, manage the price for profitability, optimize services based on customer reviews, offer customer support, maintain the scooters for ROI, manage the fleet inventory, and the list goes on. For this, you’ll need a scooter-sharing software that integrates the scooter and app for better operations management and helps you get live insights from data analytics and performance reports. 

Let’s understand how you can set up an effortless scooter-sharing system! 

A quick note before we start; this process is also useful if you are setting up a bicycle-sharing system. It is a micro-mobility rental business that is booming with a projected market of $303.47 Billion by 2032. The low cost of ride, efficiency, and government initiative to build relevant infrastructure have contributed to the growth of the micromobility industry for the scooter and bicycle rental business. 

How to set up a scooter-sharing system?

How to set up a scooter-sharing system

Following is a simple guide of things you must do to set up your scooter-sharing system. We have been working with scooter-sharing companies from across the globe spread out in USA, South Korea, and more. So, we have created this list after careful consideration to help you build and grow your scooter rental business. 

  1. Understand your market and target audience 

The structure of your scooter-sharing business depends on the research you’ll do. Understanding your market can change the flow of your service and the revenue you could be making. Imagine you choose a market with more students living near their college or in-campus in a hostel. Like Spin Scooters, you can also benefit from scooter or bicycle rental businesses in universities to help the student reach their classes on time, avoiding the exhaustion of walking from one building to another. 

Following are a few questions that can help you understand the target market better. It will help you get a probability of the success of your scooter rental services. 

  • Is there a demand for quick, budget-friendly mobility service?
  • Does your rental scooter benefit the locals or a particular niche like travelers or students? 
  • Does the market have supportive infrastructure like scooter lanes and charging stations? 
  • What are the local government regulations for micro-mobility businesses? 
  • Are your scooters safe from vandalization and theft in the target market?
  • Are there any competitors in the market, and how are they performing? 
  • Do the scooter-sharing companies get any financial aid? 

    2. Deep dive into permits and regulations for escooter sharing

The golden principle for a successful business is abiding by the rules, especially when you are dealing with public transport. Over the years of growth, the scooter share mobility model has been adopted by various countries; the rules and regulations have evolved too. You must follow the rules set by the government of the market you have targeted. 

These rules could be regarding the speed limit, escooter insurance, helmet requirement, cap on the number of scooters per company, driving license requirement, parking restrictions, and more. So, take a deep dive to understand the legal aspects regarding micro-mobility rules and regulations and create a business plan accordingly. 

For example, Belgium allows escooter on the road with a speed limit of 25km/h only. In Sweden, your escooter must have an audible alarm device, aka, a bell or a horn (source). In a few countries, the minimum age required to ride a escooter is 18. 

Therefore, being aware of these regulation is essential so your business works without government knocking on your door with a penalty ticket! 

   3. Build your fleet of scooter share business 

Scooters are the core of your business. Therefore, you have to choose the best scooter with durability and a smooth ride for your users. There are many choices of scooters in the market differing based on performance, pricing, special features, and durability. Thus, you need to prioritize a feature to find the best scooter for higher ROI. 

For better profitability and to offer good services to your users, you must choose a durable scooter with optimum mileage and lasting batteries. It helps you get the best out of the long lifespan of the scooter and reduces the cost of recharging your fleet. 

The size of your fleet will impact your service, revenue, and customer acquisition. The number of scooters you need in the scooter-sharing system depends on factors like the local demand, the quality of the scooter, the scooter transmission system, the government-applied cap on number of scooters, your budget, IoT integration, and more. Many scooter-sharing companies in the major city settle for 100-200 scooters to meet the demands of busy travelers. 

   4. Integrate with scooter-sharing software and app

Time is the most precious treasure in this modern world. So, if you plan on setting up a traditional renting station with a physical register, you are doomed! 

Our generation is obsessed with phones, and you should be too! Create a user app that engages the user and helps you reach them to offer your services at their fingertips. The app allows the user to find, unlock, and make payment for the ride. Therefore, a robust app with an engaging interface and retaining user experience is essential for the success of your business. Integrate the scooters with the app for visibility of available scooters, unlocking & locking them, and GPS tracking for locating the scooter and riding it. 

Imagine handling 50 files at the same time and keeping a record of where they are kept and how many papers they contain. It sounds like a task you want to avoid at all costs! That’s what it’s like to manage your fleet of hundreds of scooters; tracking each of them and rebalancing them for your users. However, with efficient scooter-sharing software, like Easy Ride, you can manage all your operations smoothly. The software allows you to track your rides, manage your fleet on the road, offer customer support, and track your performance. 

Integrating the scooters with the software through IoT helps you reduce the chances of theft and offer on-ground customer support when the need arises. It helps you track the KPIs and scooter performance to calculate the ROI and make necessary strategies to boost your business growth. 

Rebalancing your fleet becomes easier with IoT integration and AI on the software. It helps you identify the areas with high demand and shift the scooters there for optimum resource utilization and grow your market and revenue. 

So, you know that the scooter-sharing app and software are essential parts of the scooter-sharing system. Invest in high-quality scooter-sharing software and app development or subscribe to a white-label scooter-sharing system provider like Squillion Tech. You can streamline your operation without any hassle of maintaining the backend or worry about the bugs to halt your operations, the software company will handle it all for you! 

   5. Create a maintenance plan for scooter sharing system 

Maintenance is the oil that keeps the engine of your business smooth and undamaged. The fleet needs regular maintenance including daily charging, regular checkups, and occasional parts changes to increase their productive lifecycle for the best ROI. You can do this by yourself or partner with a scooter-share business specialized maintenance firm to handle the chore for you. Thus, you can focus on other tasks while your fleet is taken care of for a better user experience. 

   6. Setup profitable pricing for escooter sharing

A scooter-sharing company must be aware of the various costs associated with the business to create an optimum budget. The costs include the initial cost including the scooter prices, permit fees, scooter insurance, office setup, and other variable costs like maintenance costs, marketing budget, and more. Therefore, you need to price your service such that it covers the cost and makes you a good profit. 

Dynamic pricing can help you get the best of the market demand. With dynamic pricing through AI integration, you can change the pricing based on the real-time demand of your scooters. It allows you to track the demand and adopt the fluctuation to get the best of the market. The prices can hike up in rush hours and dip in slow hours to meet customer demand.

   7. Implement the marketing plan for the scooter share business 

You have setup your shop with all the decore, free coupons for customers, stock ready to impress your visitors, and more for the opening of your new shop. However, no one shows up. How would they if you never promoted your soon-opening store? That’s what happens when you set up your scooter-sharing system with perfection to the T but leave the promote out of the loop. 

Marketing your scooter-sharing system is essential to promote your local presence and attract users. As a new business, you must offer something promising at the best offers to build brand loyalty.  You can opt for user discounts, referral programs, and social media marketing to attract users and retain them. Partner up with local firms to enhance your offerings and make profitable collaborations. 

Those are a few things to consider when you are setting up your scooter-sharing system to offer efficient services and grow your scooter-sharing business. 

Squillion Tech: Trusted By Top Scooter Sharing Companies!

Squillion Tech Trusted By Top Scooter Sharing Companies

We are Squillion Tech; a recognized and trusted Scooter Sharing Software compnay. We have built a scooter-sharing software and app from scratch for people looking for a cost-friendly and efficient scooter-sharing system. Our designs are based on enhancing user experience and retaining users with engaging interfaces. In our 4 years of establishment, many have trusted our subscription-based software and benefited from efficient operation management. Our team works so your operations are streamlined and you can offer scooter rental service hassle-free. Our services go beyond the scooters. We offer car and bicycle-sharing systems as micro-mobility management experts! Explore our website for more information. 

If you have any queries about the scooter-sharing system, please contact us! We are eager to help your business grow. 


Setting up a scooter-sharing system is essential for smooth operations and retaining users. Therefore, we discussed the elements of a scooter-sharing system to help you streamline your operation and offer the best services to your users. It starts with understanding your target market and the regulations regarding the micro-mobility business. You must invest in quality scooters, user apps, and scooter-sharing software to offer quality service and build a loyal customer base. Maintain your scooter for optimum performance and rebalance your fleet for the best ROI. Set up an efficient pricing system to adapt to market changes and get the best out of it with an effective marketing strategy. For the best scooter-sharing software and app, you can rely on Squillion Tech. We offer the best services with consistent support with our industry expertise in micro-mobility. Contact us for a free demo of our scooter-sharing software with app!Â